Category: Easy Life Lok Sabha Election 2019 – Commoner Witnessing ‘Desh Ka Mahatyohar’

Thoughts of a commoner on Lok Sabha Election 2019, campaigned and held as ‘Desh ka Mahatyohar’ that is concluded with ‘NaMo Again’ as PM of Bharat, forming ‘Modi Sarkar 2’ with full majority. Witnessing the festival of the world’s largest democracy, Bharata, is a very special feeling. Through this general…
The Sun and the Moon – Some facts for thought | Yugadi thoughts | Solar and Lunar Yugadi Greetings
Saraswati Vandana on Vasanta Panchami | Namaste Sharade Devi Kashmirapuravasini…

Thoughts about Saraswati Vandana on Vasanta Panchami; about worshipping the Goddess of wisdom, knowledge, eloquence and arts for peace and happiness. Saraswati Vandana on Vasanta Panchami ‘Saraswati’! This devine word means wisdom and eloquence in Sanskrit. And, that’s why our ancestors have been worshipping ‘Saraswati’ as the Goddess of education…
Sankranti Thoughts and Wishes | ಸಂಕ್ರಾಂತಿ ಬಂತು, ಸುಗ್ಗಿ ತಂತು!
Vishu Wishes and ‘Konde’ Story
Seeing the Light Within
It’s Yugadi – ಮತ್ತೆ ಯುಗಾದಿ…

Yugadi is here! It is Chandramana Yugadi. And it brings along a lot of memories… Nature’s fresh colours and fragrances… Celebrations with family… And, for us, it’s Desi Abhivyakti’s blogoversary/blogiversary! For five years, you have been showering love upon ‘The Arts & Me’ that is now ‘DeSi Abhivyakti’. From July…
‘ನಾವು ಅರಳೋಣ’ – ‘Let’s Blossom’ Digital Painting

Presenting a floral digital painting of hibiscus and jasmine flowers on the occasion of ‘International Mother Language Day’, 21st February 2018. The creator of this universe loves diversity. Every living being has got a distinct quality and a purpose. Every flower has a unique appearance and fragrance. Similarly, every culture…
Happy Republic Day
Lok Sabha Election 2019 – Commoner Witnessing ‘Desh Ka Mahatyohar’

Thoughts of a commoner on Lok Sabha Election 2019, campaigned and held as ‘Desh ka Mahatyohar’ that is concluded with ‘NaMo Again’ as PM of Bharat, forming ‘Modi Sarkar 2’ with full majority. Witnessing the festival of the world’s largest democracy, Bharata, is a very special feeling. Through this general…
The Sun and the Moon – Some facts for thought | Yugadi thoughts | Solar and Lunar Yugadi Greetings
Saraswati Vandana on Vasanta Panchami | Namaste Sharade Devi Kashmirapuravasini…

Thoughts about Saraswati Vandana on Vasanta Panchami; about worshipping the Goddess of wisdom, knowledge, eloquence and arts for peace and happiness. Saraswati Vandana on Vasanta Panchami ‘Saraswati’! This devine word means wisdom and eloquence in Sanskrit. And, that’s why our ancestors have been worshipping ‘Saraswati’ as the Goddess of education…
Sankranti Thoughts and Wishes | ಸಂಕ್ರಾಂತಿ ಬಂತು, ಸುಗ್ಗಿ ತಂತು!
Vishu Wishes and ‘Konde’ Story
Seeing the Light Within
It’s Yugadi – ಮತ್ತೆ ಯುಗಾದಿ…

Yugadi is here! It is Chandramana Yugadi. And it brings along a lot of memories… Nature’s fresh colours and fragrances… Celebrations with family… And, for us, it’s Desi Abhivyakti’s blogoversary/blogiversary! For five years, you have been showering love upon ‘The Arts & Me’ that is now ‘DeSi Abhivyakti’. From July…
‘ನಾವು ಅರಳೋಣ’ – ‘Let’s Blossom’ Digital Painting

Presenting a floral digital painting of hibiscus and jasmine flowers on the occasion of ‘International Mother Language Day’, 21st February 2018. The creator of this universe loves diversity. Every living being has got a distinct quality and a purpose. Every flower has a unique appearance and fragrance. Similarly, every culture…